
My Journey to the Stage – Reality Check!

It all started on a beautiful sunny Thursday – I woke up to the birds singing, I had slept well and I was feeling positive about my training and looking forward to my standard oats for breakfast….

Then…. BANG…out of no-where….two things happened in succession without warning…..

  • A phone call – “Nerida, I need you for a final bikini fitting…..”
  • An email – “We have you registered in the bikini diva division… will need to personally register in the next two weeks….posing classes will be on at this time…….”

Boom – this just got real!!! My stomach dropped, my palms got slightly sweaty and I had instant butterflies………

The competition always seemed so far away in my mind and it was this big goal I was striving for but I was so focused on my training and nutrition that the actual act of competing hadn’t taken up much of my head space.

All of a sudden, the competition is less than 4 weeks away and there is no room for error: no slip-ups to be had, no training session can be completed without 110% effort; Focus, drive and determination are the ONLY things that are going to get me there….

The last 8 weeks (in hindsight of course) have actually flown by….They have been filled with hard-work, sweat, sacrifices, contentment after a cheat meal, self-doubt at times and huge amounts of broccoli……

But D-Day is very quickly approaching now and the reality of having to get up on a stage in sky-high stripper heels (and trying to walk without falling over whilst still looking sexy is a topic for a whole different article) dressed in nothing but a Brazilian cut bikini is somewhat daunting to say the least.

I am so happy with my progress and proud of my efforts during this journey but there is still the reality that I just won’t quite make the ‘cut’, so to speak, and be ready physically to get up on that stage. In a competition such as this, where you are surrounded by beautiful sparkly and flawless goddesses, there is just no room for ‘good enough’ – You are either ready or you’re not. And the fact that I haven’t ever been through this process before means that I have no idea how my body will adapt in these last few weeks.

But I have come this far and there is only ONE way to find out! 110% complete focus and determination because I have to know that, whether I am ready in time to hit that stage or not, I have given my absolute all to accomplish this goal.

And I do mean all….For the next two weeks I have to cut out the precious little carbs I was having in an attempt to lean down that extra little bit….Oh wait, I lie, I can still get my carbs through broccoli….Did I mention that sometimes I feel like I can’t look at another piece of broccoli!

I have actually really really enjoyed this journey….I have always loved a good challenge and I have enjoyed proving to myself what I can do physically and mentally….And therein lies the key for any health or fitness related journey….It all comes down to your mind…..Mental strength is paramount….You will notice when you are in the path of temptation or when you just don’t think you can keep going on that treadmill, that your mind is the first to go…..It will whisper sweet little excuses into your head as to why you can stop, or justify why you deserve to have that chocolate bar….DON’T LISTEN TO IT!! You are stronger than that….have some positive affirmations ready to counter those thoughts….. “I can keep going”….”I am strong”…..”I will achieve my goals”……..

And on that note, I’m off to bring myself one step closer to my goal….Go hard everyone and I will be updating you with my progress soon 🙂